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  • Writer's pictureSF ENDC


The Eastern Neighborhoods Democratic Club (ENDC) was established by residents of San Francisco’s Supervisorial Districts 3, 6 and 10 to organize voters, providing discussion and educational forums to address the most pressing issues facing the eastern neighborhoods of the City. The police killings of #GeorgeFloyd (Minnesota), #EricGarner (New York), #BreonnaTaylor (Kentucky), #MarioWoods (San Francisco) and countless others have been weighing heavy on our hearts and minds. ENDC is made up of San Franciscans who live in Districts heavily impacted by police interactions and a large representation of black life in San Francisco. 

ENDC pledges to support the building of a true system of justice by increasing our club’s engagement with the African American community, continuing to elevate African Americans to positions of leadership in our club as well as listening to and supporting our current African American elected leaders in San Francisco. We are also committed to hosting forums to encourage further education on the impact of systematic racism as well as advocating and holding our elected officials accountable to ensure systematic change occurs in San Francisco. 

We want our African American brothers and sisters to know, we stand with you and support you in this movement. We’ve got work to do and we are ready!

Petitions to Sign:

Organizations to Donate to:

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